James Shepherd

Mince Pies

The only accompaniment to after dinner coffee during the festive season, you will never be able to make enough of these. If you're a vegie (why?) then replace the lard with one of the vegetable based alternatives, and these will come out just fine.

Around Christmas the hits, and thank you emails, to this page always suprise me!

Makes approx. 16
225g (8 oz) Plain Flour
Pinch Salt
50g (2 oz) Lard
50g (2 oz) Butter
30ml (2 tbsp) Cold water to mix
25g (1 oz) Caster Sugar
Some Milk
  1. Mix flour, salt and sugar in basin, rub in fat.
  2. Using a knife to cut and stir, mix with cold water to form a stiff dough.
  3. Turn dough on to a floured surface and knead lightly.
  4. Heat oven to 230C (450F GM 8).
  5. Roll out pastry very thinly, cut out 16 small rounds and 16 larger rounds, rolling the trimmings as required.
  6. Line patty tins with the larger rounds, place a teaspoon full of filling in each. Don't be tempted to put too much in, it expands!
  7. Damp the edges of the pastry with milk and cover with the smaller rounds, sealing well.
  8. Prick tops with a fork and cook for approx. 15mins.