James Shepherd

Chocolate Muffins

Loverly moist muffins. The only difference between these and ones in the shops is the colour, so if you insist, add some dark food colouring!

Makes approx 22 medium
200g(7oz)Self Raising Flour
225g(8oz)Caster Sugar
25g(1oz)Cocoa Powder
75mlEvaporated Milk
Few DropsVanilla Essence
100g(4oz)Chocolate Drops
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C (350F GM4). Put paper cases in patty tins.
  2. Sieve flour, sugar, salt & cocoa into a large bowl.
  3. Chop up butter and rub into dry ingredients.
  4. Beat eggs in a jug and add water & milk to jug.
  5. Gradually add liquid to the dry ingredients, mixing well.
  6. Add vanilla essence and chocolate drops and beat well.
  7. Put into paper cases, leaving about 1cm gap at the top of each case.
  8. Put in the top of the oven for about 15mins, or until a knife stuck in the centre of a mufin comes out clean.
Top with melted chocolate for a delux effect.